Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Clemens: Blame the Media

While everyone else is ripping Roger Clemens to shreds, let me take a different approach.

I am sick of having athletes publicly humiliated. Sure, they committed transgressions, but if you and I did the same thing, the whole world would not know. Did guys like Bonds and Clemens, based on their extraordinary athletic abilities, agree to be humiliated this way? Some say yes. Why is that the case? Are extraordinarily talented lawyers subject to the same scrutiny? Doctors?

Regardless of your stance about public figures agreeing to the most negative side of celebrity, don't you just get tired of it?

Can you imagine the current media and Babe Ruth? He most certainly would not be in the Hall of Fame. That's just the most extreme example. I'd estimate at least 25% of the Hall of Fame members would not be there, if the media covered the game the way it does now.