Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Kenny Rogers T.V. Etiquette

How in the world did Kenny Rogers ever pitch in New York? Arlington, Texas is not exactly sporting the biggest media spotlight. And this is Rogers' 12th year with the Rangers. He's got to know most of these people by now.

You've got a couple of local t.v. cameras shooting him walking onto the field to warm up. No one interviews him. No one berates him. He's just in a bad mood, so he decides to push around a little videographer and break his $50,000 camera.

Apparently Rogers has been miffed with the media all season, because they accused him of not being willing to pitch with the Rangers unless some contract modifications were made. The horror!

I am not particularly sympathetic to media intrusion or sensationalism, but neither of those things were present here. Kenny, you are a major league baseball player. You're gonna be on t.v. To me this is no better than Milton Bradley attacking fans.

Win Shares does not take into account whether a player is a jerk. In light of Rogers' behavior today, I feel justified in revoking his All-Star spot and handing it to the next best starter judged by Win Shares. So congratulations to his teammate Chris Young. Chris, I wish you had a better role model.