Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I haven't read much about the A-Rod "doping" story, because I am sick to death of this kind of thing.  Particularly when Congressmen start talking about hearings again.

I find it difficult to believe that someone with A-Rod's skill set -- spanning the spectrum of baseball skills -- is largely attributed to a drug.  Any drug.  As far as I know, there's no evidence it improves eyesight, coordination, strength in a way that improves hitting or throwing, etc.  Even if it can be shown that player strength makes them better hitters, does that explain A-Rod?  I think not. 

I might buy that it explains Mark McGwire.  Why?  Because I don't like him.  Never did (though he looked way uglier in green and gold than in red and white).

Isn't that the point?  We are looking for reasons to tear anyone we don't care for!

We don't like A-Rod so much.  He's rich and stuck up, right?  He took millions to play for the Rangers when he knew they wouldn't be contenders.  That's just greedy.  Didn't care about championships.  Was he cheating on his wife with Madonna?  TV says its true!  And there must be a reason that Derek Jeter and Joe Torre don't like A-Rod.  If Derek Jeter doesn't like you, you're done.

Well I don't like Mark McGwire.  So I'm going to hate him for his roid use, and give A-Rod, whom I'm neutral about, a slide.  I'm also going to hate on Jason Giambi, because of the mustache (and A's again), but not Palmeiro, who had a sweet swing and entertained me in Cubs games when I got home from college classes.  I'll stick it to Jason Grimsley, because he was desperate and weak, and give love to Roger Clemens, who looked like he wanted to kill the hitters Bob Gibson style.  I'll dump on Jose Canseco, for reasons too numerous to catalog, and praise Gary Sheffield, who probably shot up three times a day.  If shooting up gives that kind of funky bat speed action, have at it boys!  I'll villify Glenallen Hill, because he wouldn't have had his spider freakout without the drugs, but props to Rick Ankiel because the drugs made his arm a-w-e-s-o-m-e babeeeeee.  And I'll make cracks about the deceased Ken Caminiti and praise John Rocker, because that's the exact opposite of the way it should be.

And the finger (yeah, the middle one) to every relief pitcher who has taken steroids.  That's just dumb!

Wonder would happen if we found out Junior Griffey or Derek Jeter used PEDs?  Hell, I'd buy a needle and a spoon and dial Neil Young up on YouTube.